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Quotes by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Born: 30th July 1947
Arnold Schwarzenegger is an Austrian-American actor, politician, bodybuilder, and businessman.
Welcome to our collection of quotes by Arnold Schwarzenegger, the legendary actor, former bodybuilder, politician, and philanthropist. This page is dedicated to showcasing the profound wisdom, inspiring anecdotes, and powerful motivational words that have emanated from Schwarzenegger's remarkable journey. Here, you will find a curated selection of his most impactful quotes, covering a wide range of topics including success, determination, fitness, leadership, and personal growth. Engage with these influential words and let Schwarzenegger's remarkable life experiences and enduring optimism guide you towards your own path of greatness.

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Read Summary

Help others and give something back. I guarantee you will discover that while public service improves the lives and the world around you, its greatest reward is the enrichment and new meaning it will bring your own life. Read Summary

Start wide, expand further, and never look back. Read Summary

The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens. Read Summary

Failure is not an option. Everyone has to succeed. Read Summary

Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million. Read Summary

You know, nothing is more important than education, because nowhere are our stakes higher; our future depends on the quality of education of our children today. Read Summary

I'll be back. Read Summary

If it's hard to remember, it'll be difficult to forget. Read Summary

As you know, I'm an immigrant. I came over here as an immigrant, and what gave me the opportunities, what made me to be here today, is the open arms of Americans. I have been received. I have been adopted by America. Read Summary

I have a private plane. But I fly commercial when I go to environmental conferences. Read Summary

I made my fair share of mistakes. Read Summary

I have a love interest in every one of my films: a gun. Read Summary

Well, you know, I'm the forever optimist. Read Summary

Political courage is not political suicide. Read Summary

I have inhaled, exhaled everything. Read Summary

I welcome and seek your ideas, but do not bring me small ideas; bring me big ideas to match our future. Read Summary

The success I have achieved in bodybuilding, motion pictures, and business would not have been possible without the generosity of the American people and the freedom here to pursue your dreams. Read Summary

I believe with all my heart that America remains 'the great idea' that inspires the world. It is a privilege to be born here. It is an honor to become a citizen here. It is a gift to raise your family here, to vote here, and to live here. Read Summary

I feel good because I believe I have made progress in rebuilding the people's trust in their government. Read Summary