I'm a fountain of blood. In the shape of a girl. Read Summary
I think religion is a mistake - I'm exhausted by its self-righteousness. I think atheists should start screaming for attention like religious folks do. Read Summary
Nature is our chapel. Read Summary
Most people in Iceland are blonde and blue-eyed. I was nicknamed 'China girl' in school 'cos they thought I looked Asian. Read Summary
I always wanted to be a farmer. There is a tradition of that in my family. Read Summary
I love hiking in Iceland most, there are lots of brilliant paths. Read Summary
It would be flattering to be thought of as someone who celebrated life. Read Summary
There's something about the rhythm of walking, how, after about an hour and a half, the mind and body can't help getting in sync. Read Summary
I get obsessed by little nerdy things in my corner that no one else is interested in. Read Summary
It's funny how the hippies and the punks tried to get rid of the conservatives, but they always seem to get the upper hand in the end. Read Summary
When I met Apple, I made it very clear that I am an old punk and I have never done commercials or been sponsored. And I wasn't after their money. Read Summary
The reason I do photographs is to help people understand my music, so it's very important that I am the same, emotionally, in the photographs as in the music. Most people's eyes are much better developed than their ears. If they see a certain emotion in the photograph, then they'll understand the music. Read Summary
The funeral business is so manipulative emotionally. I would want to be thrown into the sea or burned - something that's not a big hassle. Read Summary
People that complete other people's vision are understated. Read Summary
Sometimes when I write lyrics there are images in them, usually on a quite simplistic level, like colors. But most often music comes first and then later I sit down with visual people and we chat about what we want to do. I don't look at myself as a visual artist. I make music. Read Summary
The good thing about Pro Tools is you can actually hear what you're working on, so it doesn't just become this intellectual idea. But Pro Tools can be dangerous, too. It can make things sterile. Read Summary
The English can be a very critical, unforgiving people, but criticism can be good. And this is a country that loves comedy. Read Summary
It's incredible how nature sets females up to take care of people, and yet it is tricky for them to take care of themselves. Read Summary
I get embarrassed listening to my last CDs. I've got a lot of work to do, let's put it that way. Read Summary
I've always appreciated working with people I have chemistry with, who are friends, and where you feel that the work is growing while you are getting to know each other better. Read Summary