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Quotes by Eminem

Born: 17th October 1972
Eminem is an American rapper
Welcome to our collection of quotes by the legendary rapper, Eminem. This page is dedicated to showcasing the lyrical genius and thought-provoking words of one of the greatest artists in the music industry. Explore the mind of Eminem as you delve into his inspiring, controversial, and emotionally charged quotes. From his early days as a young rapper battling adversity to his rise to fame and success, these quotes offer a glimpse into the life, struggles, and triumphs of Eminem. Discover his unique perspective on personal growth, societal issues, relationships, and self-expression. Whether you're a die-hard Eminem fan or simply intrigued by his profound lyrics, this page is a journey into the brilliance and raw talent of an icon. Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and fascinated by the illuminating words of Eminem.

The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. Read Summary

A lot of truth is said in jest. Read Summary

Somewhere deep down there's a decent man in me, he just can't be found. Read Summary

I try to treat all the money I'm making like it's the last time I'm going to make it. Read Summary

Nobody likes to fail. I want to succeed in everything I do, which isn't much. But the things that I'm really passionate about, if I fail at those, if I'm not successful, what do I have? Read Summary

If people take anything from my music, it should be motivation to know that anything is possible as long as you keep working at it and don't back down. Read Summary

I was a smart kid, but I hated school. Read Summary

The emotions in a song - the anger, aggression - have got to be legitimate. Read Summary

I've been running a lot, taking care of myself. Read Summary

It feels good to have your work respected again. Read Summary

Throughout my career, I fed off the fuel of people not being able to understand me. Read Summary

Guns are bad, I tell you. Read Summary

Hip-hop saved my life, man. It's the only thing I've ever been even decent at. I don't know how to do anything else. Read Summary

I have a slight bit of OCD, I think. I'm not walking around flipping light switches. But when I say I'm going to do something, I have to do it. Read Summary

I might talk about killing people, but that doesn't mean I do it. Read Summary

Rap was my drug. Read Summary

I do say things that I think will shock people. But I don't do things to shock people. I'm not trying to be the next Tupac, but I don't know how long I'm going to be on this planet. So while I'm here, I might as well make the most of it. Read Summary

Trust is hard to come by. That's why my circle is small and tight. I'm kind of funny about making new friends. Read Summary

I'm stupid, I'm ugly, I'm dumb, I smell. Did I mention I'm stupid? Read Summary

Everybody has goals, aspirations or whatever, and everybody has been at a point in their life where nobody believed in them. Read Summary