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Quotes by John Kennedy

Born: 25th November 1960
John Kennedy is an American lawyer.
Welcome to the page dedicated to John Kennedy, a distinguished lawyer known for his profound insights and expertise in the legal field. This collection showcases a treasure trove of thought-provoking and inspiring quotes attributed to Kennedy. Delve into the brilliance of his words as he navigates various aspects of law, providing valuable guidance for legal professionals and enthusiasts alike. These quotes offer a glimpse into Kennedy's wisdom and his ability to navigate complex legal scenarios with grace and intellect. Immerse yourself in this compilation and gain a deeper appreciation for the legacy left by John Kennedy, a true luminary of the legal world.

I don't think we need more gun control laws. Read Summary

Sometimes the majority just means all the fools are on the same side. Read Summary

My Democratic friends just can't accept the fact that the American people chose Donald Trump to be president - it's called democracy. My advice to them, and I say this gently: Fill out a 'Hurt Feelings Report' and let's move on. Read Summary

I trust Russia and China and Iran and North Korea like I trust a Jussie Smollett police report. Read Summary

Jurisdictions across the U.S. are snapping up algorithms as tools to help judges make bail and bond decisions. They're being sold as race- and gender-neutral assessments that allow judges to use science in determining whether someone will behave if released from jail pending trial. Read Summary

My mind doesn't work, my memories don't work like a computer file where I can just retrieve them and, boy, there it is. My mind is selective in terms of memories. When I try to think back to college or high school, there are gaps. I try to fill them in. But I can't tell you it's always the truth. Read Summary

When you meet with someone and you try to assess whether they're telling you the truth or not, there's several things you can do. You judge demeanor and credibility. You look at corroboration. Read Summary

Teachers are expected to be teachers, psychiatrists, nurses, sociologists, psychologists, surrogate moms or dads, as the case may be. Read Summary

I bet taxpayers remember providing more than $812 billion to Citigroup and Bank of America, two Wall Street banks, in 2009 to bail them out during the 2008 financial crisis. Taxpayers remember that generosity; big banks evidently don't. Read Summary

I don't want to impugn the motives of my colleagues, but my attitude is, speaking just for me, you either believe in border security or you don't. Read Summary

Our rights are not absolute. Our rights can be curtailed in the interest of public safety. Read Summary

I believe that the primary role of the government is to protect people and not run their lives. You used to be able to believe that in the Democratic Party. Read Summary

You're morally tainted if you don't treat both the accuser and the accused with fairness and with respect, and with due process. Read Summary

If people lose faith in their government, the result is the same whether or not the loss of confidence is justified. Read Summary

You know people talk about federal money as if it falls from heaven. You know we thank heaven for it, but it came out of people's pockets - and I've driven all over Washington, D.C., I cannot find the money tree. Read Summary

I try to speak plainly so that my constituents who don't follow the nuances of government like I do, because they're too busy earning a real living, can understand the issues before me. None of this stuff is brain surgery. Read Summary

You're innocent until proven guilty. Read Summary

I think we need more idiot control. Read Summary

A good lawyer is going to try to protect her client. Read Summary

Part of the problem is there are people in Washington, D.C. in positions of power to whom the border is just a nuisance, and I think some of them believe that illegal immigration is a moral good. It is not. It undermines legal immigration. Read Summary