If worms had machine guns, then birds wouldn't be scared of them. Read Summary
I take a vitamin every day - it's called a steak. Read Summary
I make no apology for the love of competition. Read Summary
Before they had crunchy peanut butter, I would put peanuts in the creamy peanut butter. Read Summary
I can workout in my khakis. And do. They're similar to sweatpants. Read Summary
Speeches? I don't ever feel like I'm giving a speech. I don't look at myself as a motivational speaker. Read Summary
When you're a step onto a football field, never is that more evident that the truth is going to get told. Read Summary
Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in. Read Summary
The thing I like about Donald Trump is he's not afraid to fight the establishment. Read Summary
I like the guys that like football. And the guys that like football, they all like me back. And the ones that don't like me? They're the ones that know that I know that they don't like football. They tend to avoid me. Read Summary