The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help. Read Summary
When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat. Read Summary
Trust, but verify. Read Summary
We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions. Read Summary
It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance? Read Summary
There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder. Read Summary
Democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. Read Summary
You can tell alot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans. Read Summary
The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. Read Summary
Don't be afraid to see what you see. Read Summary