If you will it, it is no dream. Read Summary
Zionism demands a publicly recognized and legally secured homeland in Palestine for the Jewish people. This platform is unchangeable. Read Summary
Those of us who are today prepared to hazard our lives for the cause would regret having raised a finger, if we were able to organize only a new social system and not a more righteous one. Read Summary
The character of a people may be ruined by charity. Read Summary
But I am convinced that those Jews who stand aside today with a malicious smile and with their hands in their trousers' pockets will also want to dwell in our beautiful home. Read Summary
The land which the Society of Jews will have secured by international law must naturally be privately owned. Read Summary
I incline to an aristocratic republic. This would satisfy the ambitious spirit among our people. We shall learn from the historic mistakes of others in the same way as we learn from our own; for we are a modern nation and wish to be the most modern in the world. Read Summary
The spirit in which the offer was made must of necessity contribute to improving and alleviating the situation of the Jewish people without our renouncing one iota of the great principles upon which our movement is based. Read Summary
Palestine is our unforgettable historic home. The very name would be a force of marvelous potency for summoning our people together. Read Summary
I prefer being penetrated by iron to seeing Palestine is loose. Read Summary