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We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don't allow our bodies to heal, and we don't allow our minds and hearts to heal.

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In this quote, Thich Nhat Hanh, a renowned clergyman, highlights how modern humans have lost the wisdom of truly resting and relaxing. He observes that our constant worrying prevents our bodies from healing and hinders the healing process of our minds and hearts.
Quote by Thich Nhat Hanh
Clergyman, Vietnamese
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, peace activist, and prolific writer.
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Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones. Read Summary

Peace in the world starts with peace in oneself. If everyone lives mindfully, everyone will be more healthy, feel more fulfilled in their daily lives and there will be more peace. Read Summary

People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom? Read Summary

People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar. Read Summary

When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there? Read Summary

In order to heal others, we first need to heal ourselves. And to heal ourselves, we need to know how to deal with ourselves. Read Summary

Smiling is very important. If we are not able to smile, then the world will not have peace. It is not by going out for a demonstration against nuclear missiles that we can bring about peace. It is with our capacity of smiling, breathing, and being peace that we can make peace. Read Summary

Fearlessness is not only possible, it is the ultimate joy. When you touch nonfear, you are free. Read Summary

Compassionate listening is to help the other side suffer less. If we realize that other people are the same people as we are, we are no longer angry at them. Read Summary

In true dialogue, both sides are willing to change. Read Summary