I bought one of the first Nintendo systems and brought that home, and we were playing 'Legend of Zelda' at the time, and it was addicting, and I was playing it for hours and hours and hours. Read Summary
I'm a heroine addict. I need to have sex with women who have saved someone's life. Read Summary
I like to play blackjack. I'm not addicted to gambling. I'm addicted to sitting in a semi-circle. Read Summary
A lot of people think that addiction is a choice. A lot of people think it's a matter of will. That has not been my experience. I don't find it to have anything to do with strength. Read Summary
The thing that I'm most proud of in my life is that if a stranger came up to me and said, 'I can't stop drinking. I can't stop drinking. Can you help me?' I can say, 'Yes, I can help you.' Read Summary
After I got my first laugh on stage, I was hooked. Read Summary
Trying to overcome addiction is one of the hardest things for a person to do. And the fact that I had to do it under the scrutiny of tabloid press at first made it seem even more difficult. But in fact, it oddly ended up being a plus. Because of the tabloid stuff, it wasn't like I could walk into a bar and order a drink. Read Summary
Vicodin, I got addicted to that little pill. The reason I don't talk about it too much in the press is because it isn't funny, and I love to be funny in interviews. If you joke about that period in your life, it doesn't seem right. Read Summary
I think we need to educate our doctors about addiction. Read Summary
Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times. Read Summary
Communications technology changes possibilities for communication, but that doesn't mean it changes the inherited structure of the brain. So you may think that you're addicted to online reading, but as soon as it isn't available anymore, your brain will pretty immediately adjust to other forms of reading. It's a habit like all habits. Read Summary
I'm addicted to something at all times. Like, it's always music, but maybe sometimes it's a pair of pants or something else. That's just how my personality works. Read Summary
I'm an addict, I'm addicted to success. Thankfully, there's no rehab for success. Read Summary
This dark diction has become America's addiction. Read Summary
Music makes me high on stage, and that's the truth. It's like being almost addicted to music. Read Summary
Drugs are a bet with your mind. Read Summary
My mother was a professional sick person; she took a lot of pain pills. There are many people like that. It's just how they are used to getting attention. I always remember she's the daughter of alcoholics who'd leave her alone at Christmas time. Read Summary
A company shouldn't get addicted to being shiny, because shiny doesn't last. Read Summary
If I were a doctor, I would prescribe that you addict yourself deeply and irrevocably to music and never, ever seek cure outside of more music. It really is the best drug available. Read Summary
Drink is the only opponent I have been unable to beat. Read Summary