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Quotes on 'joe-biden'

For too long in this society, we have celebrated unrestrained individualism over common community. Read Summary

America doesn't have health insurance. Read Summary

One of the things I've never been accused of is not caring about people. Read Summary

I have 'Parents' magazine in my home. Read Summary

Unions did in fact build the middle class. And here's what that did. That built the United States of America as we know it. Read Summary

Putin sought to keep Ukraine weak through corruption. Read Summary

In the middle of a recession, where we're just climbing out of it, where the economy -unemployment is still at 9.7 percent, the idea of raising taxes and reducing spending is a prescription for disaster. Read Summary

The greatest gift is the ability to forget - to forget the bad things and focus on the good. Read Summary

I know I'm not supposed to like muscle cars, but I like muscle cars. Read Summary

I graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science. Read Summary

In the good old days when I was a senator, I was my own man. Read Summary

The 21st century is going to be the American century. Because we lead not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example. That is the history of the journey of America. Read Summary

Let's just be smart this time. I'm looking for smart. Read Summary

No one making less than $250,000 under Barack Obama's plan will see one single penny of their tax raised, whether it's their capital gains tax, their income tax, investment tax, any tax. Read Summary

America's commitment to collective defense under Article 5 of NATO is a sacred obligation in our view - a sacred obligation not just for now, but for all time. Read Summary

If I don't run for president, we'll all be OK. Read Summary

In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking. Read Summary

You get a lawyer whether you're in a military tribunal or whether you're in a federal court, number one. The attorney general decided that the court with the biggest - with the greatest venue, with the best jurisdiction was the New York court. That was the right decision to make. Read Summary

I exaggerate when I'm angry, but I've never gone around telling people things that aren't true about me. Read Summary

On the way back from Mumbai to go meet with President Xi in China, I stopped in Singapore to meet with a guy named Lee Kuan Yew, who most foreign policy experts around the world say is the wisest man in the Orient. Read Summary